Notebook, not lined DIN A5 / DIN A 6
Isn’t it great that certain things simply resist going digital? The good old notebook is such an item and it still does its job reliably and charmingly, in everyday life or when traveling. These notepads in formats DIN A5 (spiral pad, 80 pages, not lined, cardboard cover) and DIN A6 (thread-stitched, 48 pages, not lined, cardboard cover) perfectly match our practical and stylish notebook organizers.
Notebook bag for on the go
Isn’t it great that certain things simply resist going digital? The good old notebook is such an item and it still does its job reliably and charmingly, in everyday life or when traveling. Our sturdy and stylish notebook organizers are perfect covers for DIN A5 or DIN A6 size notepads as well as documents, ID cards, car papers, hunting licenses and so much more. Sewn-in elastic bands hold pens and other utensils and there are also securely fastened loops inside and outside (for carabiners etc.) as well as a Velcro patch for even more functionality. Finally, a high-quality all-round zipper ensures that nothing gets lost on the go.
The sleeves for DIN A5 and DIN A6 notepads are available in either gray coyote made from robust Cordura laminate or our very own CORLODA®, a gray, laminated loden fabric made from real wool.
The notepads in formats DIN A5 (spiral pad, 80 pages, not lined, cardboard cover) and DIN A6 (thread-stitched, 48 pages, not lined, cardboard cover) can be ordered separately here.
Product number:
Weight: 0,4
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Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Der Reisebleiter für deine unvergesslichen Offroad-Trips!
Dieses Buch enthält die besten Reiseberichte und Bilder der MATSCH&PISTE-Leser, begleitet von wertvollen Insider-Informationen aus den bereisten Ländern. Wer Lust bekommen hat, mit dem eigenen Offroader auf Tour zu gehen, der bekommt von der MATSCH&PISTE-Redaktion die wertvollsten Ratschläge, um sich und sein Fahrzeug optimal auf das Reisen vorbereiten zu können. Die Experten verraten, wie die perfekten Pisten gefunden werden können, versorgen die Leser mit essenziellen Ausrüstungstipps, erinnern an unverzichtbare Papiere und zeigen, wie sich gut vorbereitet ins Offroad-Abenteuer gestürzt werden kann. Ratgeber und Reisebericht in einem.
ISBN: 978-3-613-50971-9
Herausgeber: Pietsch-Verlag
Einband: broschiert
Seitenzahl: 192
Abbildungen: 220 Bilder
Format: 170mm x 240mm
Product number:
Weight: 0,6
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Ratgeber für Offroad-Fans
Seit Jahren führen Geländewagen und vor allem Sport Utility Vehicles, abgekürzt SUV, die Zulassungsstatistiken an. "auto motor und sport"-Redakteur Torsten Seibt gewährt einen Überblick über die besten Geländewagen, SUV und Pickups der vergangenen Jahre und zeigt, wie man beim Kauf der passenden Gebrauchtwagen nicht nur bares Geld spart, sondern auch den ökologischen Fußabdruck dieser häufig kritisierten Fahrzeug-Kategorie senkt. Echte Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit stehen bei dieser Buchreihe im Vordergrund, ohne dabei den Spaß am Autofahren und die Funktionalität im Alltag aus den Augen zu verlieren.
Herausgeber: Motorbuch; 1. Edition
Sprache: Deutsch
Gebundene Ausgabe: 208 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3613046450
Abmessungen: 17,5 x 1,9 x 24,4 cm
Product number:
Weight: 1,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Winter is coming and our super-warm ¾-length Nakatanenga winter socks are the perfect preparation for cold, wet and action in snow and ice. There’s an endless discussion amongst athletes and outdoor specialists what’s more important, shoes or socks, but fact is that the right choice of socks is key to comfort, health and performance, especially in the cold season. What good are the best of boots when your socks are not warming you, stay constantly damp and clammy or rub and chafe?
Our warm Nakasox for winter feature the same combination of natural Merino wool and synthetics as our lighter summer or 3-season socks. Especially in winter, thermal regulation is most important. Merino, the supersheep’s natural air conditioning system, does a fantastic job even during highly demanding activities like snowboarding or skiing. The fleece fibers’ microstructure allows for fast wicking of moisture and efficient condensation. Sweating is reduced and hence the dangers of hypothermia. The warm and dry Nakasox-feeling is further enhanced by the general comfort provided by the material’s touch and feel. Merino doesn’t itch and its antimicrobial properties also mean that your socks don’t smell as easily (or quickly) as with other materials.
Especially when wearing them in boots or for sports activities, a perfect fit and elasticity are what you’re looking for in a sock. A special combination of performance synthetics and the anatomical design mean that Nakasox will stay in perfect shape even during and after heavy mechanical stress. Soles and heels are padded and a thinner weave between bridge and shin make vertical movements as in hiking or cross-country skiing more comfortable. Well-fitted and elastic socks don’t slip and slide and give your feet a better overall fit inside your boots. After long and action-packed days in the mountains, the probability that you’ll experience chafing and blisters is greatly reduced.
Customer feedback is already telling us how extremely warm our Nakasox actually are. Men are by and large more tolerant to cold temperatures, making these Nakasox ideal for more stationary winter activities, like ice fishing. Women on the other hand will appreciate the super toasty socks in everyday situations like winter walks or even at home on the couch.
Material:57 % Merino Wool, 27 % Polypropylene, 8 % Elastan, 8 % Polyamide
For hygienic reasons, this item is generally excluded from return.
Camel Trophy - 1.000 Meilen Abenteuer - Die ultimative Geschichte. Mit einem Vorwort von Volker Lapp
Die Camel Trophy war lange Inbegriff für das »grenzenlose Abenteuer«. Zwischen 1980 und 2000 führte sie mehr als 500 Teilnehmer aus 35 Ländern an die spektakulärsten Orte der Welt. Dabei fuhren die Teams speziell vorbereitete Land Rover und brachten diese in den rauesten Umgebungen an ihre Grenzen. Als Teil des offiziellen Fotografenteams sammelte Nick Dimbleby jahrelang atemberaubende Bilder von Land Rover-Konvois im Dschungel und den Menschen hinter den Kulissen, aber auch zahlreiche unvergessliche Geschichten. Outdoor-Legende Volker Lapp sorgt für den passenden Rahmen und macht Dimblebys Chronik zum ultimativen Buch über die Camel Trophy.
ISBN: 978-3-613-04584-2Titel-Nr.: 04584Einband: SchutzumschlagSeitenzahl: 352Abbildungen: 800 BilderFormat: 235mm x 285mmErschienen: 06/2023
Product number:
Weight: 2,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Driving off the Road. Wie du richtig im Gelände fährst - Die Geländefahrschule für Offroader: Grundlagen, Fahrtechniken und Tipps
Mit dem Besitz eines Geländefahrzeugs geht für immer mehr 4x4-Fans ein Traum in Erfüllung. Um gut und sicher durchzukommen, ist es jedoch wichtig, sich mit dem eigenen Fahrzeug vertraut zu machen, Abmessungen, Lenkverhalten und Antriebstechnik zu kennen und ein Gespür für sein Fahrverhalten zu entwickeln. Denn jeder Geländetyp erfordert besondere Fahrtechniken: Vom Fahren durch Wasser, Schlamm, Schnee, über Baumstämme bis hin zu Kies, Geröll und steilem Gelände zeigt dieses Buch durchgehend bebilderte Anleitungen. Mit Tipps zur Pannenvermeidung und sicheren Fahrzeugbergung.
ISBN: 978-3-613-50923-8Titel-Nr.: 50923Einband: broschiertSeitenzahl: 208Abbildungen: 400 BilderFormat: 170mm x 240mm
Product number:
Weight: 0,7
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
BIC Lighter Mini or Slim with Nakatanenga Cover
A lighter should produce a flame quickly and reliably and under any circumstances, especially during outdoor activities. Gas lighters using a friction stone are your most reliable option, certainly when compared to those with a click mechanism, as these often jam or break. For many campers, backpackers or survival experts, the lighters of choice have long been the small and light MINI or SLIM editions from BIC. They are robust, ingeniously simple in design and always work - as long as there is some gas left in the tank.
Our plastic cover with the Nakatanenga logo protects against accidental emptying (or ignition) of the lighters in your trouser pocket or backpack. Simply place the BIC head first in the protective case and the gas button can no longer be pressed. In addition, the sturdy case also protects your BIC from water or dirt, so it's always ready to go when you need it.
Available in khaki including one BIC MINI or BIC SLIM.
Note: BIC lighters are delivered in different colours, randomly! Colour not selectable!
Always with a leash
There are basically two ways of managing our hectic day-to-day lives: one is to always think of everything before you go out or when plans change: keys, phone, wallet and all the other stuff. The other far better solution is to have backups handy, in case you do forget – as you will.
Our “Always-on-you” dog lead belongs in the second category. It is so small, light (and affordable), that it’s probably best to own several of them and always have one handy wherever they’re needed, in your car, handbag or coat pocket. That way, you always have a leash with you when you’re out and about with your dog.
The lead is 1.6 m long and is made from extremely strong polyamide fabric (max. pull force 315 kg). It is 100% Made in Germany, and as always with products from our own textile workshop, we take care that the highest quality workmanship is applied in manufacturing – in this case, the leash is even made to military spec TL8470-0071. The aluminum karabiner, with its firm snap gate and the 360°- swivel is firmly sewn into the strap. Leash and karabiner hook combined are smaller than a packet of tissues and not much heavier.
Always handy, “always-on-you”.
Weight: 0.039 kg
Multifunctional cloth by Nakatanenga
This multifunctional cloth is reminiscent of a Kufiya / Shemagh which has its origin in the Middle East. Once the cloth was intended as protection against sun and sandstorms in the desert. Today, the cloth has many more uses, e.g. for motorcycling, as a picnic cloth, as awning, cover the steering wheel in high heat, scarf and more.
Compared to other towels, we have opted for a slightly larger version. As a result, the possible uses expand enormously.
material: 100% cottonDimensions: 120x120 cmWashable: 30 ° C
Available in the following color variants:
Coyote Gray
Black Gray
Please wash before use!
The Landy brings the Easter egg
Have you ever thought about what kind of car the Easter Bunny drives around in? It can only be a Defender, really, when you consider all the Easter eggs that need to be delivered across the land. After numerous sightings, we are pretty convinced of this theory and that’s why we offer our completely handmade and 100% sustainable, all- wood cutout Defenders as classy Easter decorations. You can put them up for Easter egg hunts or hang them from traditional Easter egg trees.
The Easter Landies on their tree stand are handcrafted at our HQ in Berg – from plywood and homegrown trees. That makes them not only Made in Germany but also Made in Bavaria. The four-part set with Landy, egg background and stand is assembled as quickly as it is stored away for next year’s Easter. Put some 4x4 fun into your next Easter egg hunt!
Dimensions for set with branch: approx. 14x9x4 cm (HxWxD)
Our creative workshop has also created a wooden landy for hanging. With hanger for the Easter bush, at home in the window or in the car.
- Dimensions for hanger: approx. 3,5x6x0,4 cm (HxWxD)
Tip: The individual wooden parts can be wonderfully coloured
Tailgate Organizer - Rear door storage system for the New Defender from 2020 onwards. Where to put all the bits and bobs in the touring vehicle? First-aid kits, multimeters, work gloves, winch controls, tyre repair kit etc.? - all that needs to be stowed away. The Tailgate Organizer makes use of the mostly unused space on the tailgate. In several pockets with MOLLE fastening system (abbreviation for MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) all kinds of small items can be stowed and are at hand when they are needed. The advantages of MOLLE Tailgate Organizer Hardbase compared to textile MOLLE: quicker to attach and detach, e.g. first aid bag more stable than textile MOLLE can also be used in combination with QuickFist for tools or ropes. Free access to the warning triangle compartment Rear door compartment is enlarged by the organiser Please note before mounting: The hardbase is asymmetrical, the wider side next to the recess must be on the right side. The sets are composed as follows: SET1:1x MOLLE multi-purpose bag, open1x MOLLE multi-purpose bag, large1x MOLLE universal bag, large1x stainless steel fastening material1x MOLLE Tailgate Organizer base plate hardbase made of aluminiumoptional: 1x MOLLE first aid bag with Tear-Off-Base SET2:1x MOLLE multi-purpose bag, open2x MOLLE multi-purpose bag, large1x stainless steel fastening material1x MOLLE Tailgate Organizer base plate hardbase made of aluminiumoptional: 1x MOLLE first aid bag with Tear-Off-Base Bag Material: 100% nylon PU coated And by the way: At Nakatanenga we only use materials with 100% nylon PU coating for all textile articles. Unlike PVC, nylon PU (polyurethane) is free of harmful phthalate-based plasticisers. Until recently, low-molecular phthalates were the most common plasticisers for plastics of all kinds and are even used in food and cosmetics. However, they accumulate in the environment and are suspected of acting like endogenous hormones due to their molecular nature. This is highly questionable from a toxicological point of view and is considered to be a trigger for various diseases, including cancer. For Nakatanenga, it is therefore a matter of course to use only ecologically and health-safe alternatives such as nylon PU for the coating of textile products.
Versatile folding bowl from our tailor shop
Few things are really indispensable when camping, backpacking or during survival expeditions in the wilderness. A multipurpose receptacle is definitely one of them: for storage, washing or simply to keep things clean and away from dirt and dust. Our folding bowl made from 100% Nylon is just made for that. It is much lighter than solid plastic or aluminum bowls and requires much less storing space in your backpack or on your person. It simply folds up into a small roll and is neatly held together by a sturdy strap that is sewn onto the outside.
The interior PU-coating makes the folding bowl absolutely watertight and also allows for easy cleaning. D-rings, straps and loops attached to the sides can be used to hang the bowl from lines, hooks or branches to dry it out or to store food items away from ground dwelling insects.
Applications and uses for our folding bowl are virtually limitless – and that applies not only in the wilderness. It’s a great piece of equipment for travelling or everyday use: as a portable drinking bowl for your dog for instance. In a bundle with our ToolRoll Wash, the bowl makes a perfect, space-saving little outdoor washing sink made from 100% Nylon.
Folding bowl dimensions: L 21.5 x W 21.5 x H 14 cm
Dimensions Tool Roll Wash:Unrolled: L 44 cm x W 25 cm - Rolled up (depending on filling): W 25 cm x approx. H 14 cm
Available in the colors Coyote, Black, Gray-Coyote, M90, MTP and Camouflage.
The Landy brings the tree
Honestly, who needs plastic Christmas decorations from the other side of the planet, when you can have festive vibes, creativity and sustainability from our neck of the woods? So how about our handmade wooden Landy driving home for Christmas with a tree in the back? Designed and handmade with lots of love, this decorative Landy is guaranteed to be 100% sustainable. How do we know? Simple, because we make them ourselves in our workshop in Berg – from plywood and homegrown trees. That makes this holiday decoration not only made in Germany but made in Bavaria. The three-piece set with the log, the trees and the Defender is as easily assembled as it is put away and stored for next year.
Dimensions for set with branch: approx. 12.5x8x5 cm (HxWxD)
Our creative workshop has also created a wooden landy to hang up. With hanger for the Christmas tree, at home in the windowor in the car.
Dimensions for hanger: approx. 3.5x7x0.4 cm (HxWxD)
Can you imagine anything transporting more Christmas vibes for Landy or 4x4 fans than our wooden Landy from Bavaria? Happy Holidays!
Armytek makes headlamps and flashlights for extreme situations. Whether it’s outdoor activities, emergencies or tactical use, you can always rely on the fact that their performance greatly exceeds their size. While the lamps themselves are very inconspicuous, the head bands are quite in-your-face with big yellow logos and branding. Since many users would prefer more subtle design to go with their activities, our textile studio has come up with dual-strap headbands in muted colors and without flashy branding.
As far as the performance of the headgear goes, we made sure that there is less bling and more bang for your buck. Very often, standard straps are too weak for the weight of the lamps, they aren’t firm enough when a lot of quick movement is involved, they can’t be extended enough to accommodate hats or helmets or they simply go limp after a few tours in the wilderness. Our dual-strap headbands are strong and reliably flexible, always guaranteeing firm but comfortable fit, especially when they see a lot of action during camping, sports or other activities. Simply click the Armytek clip holder from the original accessories kit onto our headband. Both forehead and top strap can be adjusted with sturdy plastic buckles for a perfect fit.
The replacement straps in the tactical colors black, gray, coyote and green are a great alternative for anyone who doesn’t want to be a walking ad.
One thing right up front: these carabiners must NOT be used for climbing or personal safety.But then, there are many other situations where a carabiner is vastly superior to a normal hook, sling, knot or similar attachment.
Technical data:Material: 7075 aluminumColors: Gray or OrangeTensile load: Max. 400 kgRotation axis is movable - 360° rotatable
Available with: square eyelet (suitable for webbing up to 25 mm) or round eyelet (ropes up to 5 mm)
Possible applications:
In the home
In the vehicle
For camping
There are hardly any limits to the possible applications
Translated with (free version)
Are you looking for suitable labeling for bags or rucksacks? Then these ID patches are just the thing! Simply attach the sewn-on Velcro tape back to a suitable fleece point and label the front as desired. Excellent for noting bag contents and / or owners.
With the Nakatanenga Patches you can always quickly and flexibly recognize the content.
Nakatanenga dummy bag for dog training
Is there anything better than going off road with a four-legged companion, be it a Landy with MT tires or a furry friend on soft paws? Our dog loving textile team has a couple of new and practical products for the latter. The dog treat dummy bags are the perfect addition to our snack pouches, if you are planning to provide some active and successful training for your dog.
The robust Nylon PU coated dummy bag with its sturdy zipper can be filled with dog biscuits and other treats. Once it’s been associated as a source of food, the bag can be used for all kinds of lessons from everyday skills for companion dogs to specialized training for hunting or other working dogs. One end of the bag is a sturdy tab with a strong metal eyelet. Attached is a paracord with toggle clasp, making it easy to throw the bag or to hold onto it when teaching your dog retrieving, obedience or self-control.
The dog food dummy is available in the colors Coyote, Black and Orange. The signal color is especially useful when you’re training finding and retrieving in long grass, underbrush or similarly difficult terrain. Should your dog fail to sniff out or bring back the bag, you can spot it more easily yourself. The Nylon PU coating makes the bag easy to clean and it also keeps the contents dry when you’re using it in wet conditions or your dog chews on the bag.
Illustrations may vary.
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Armytek Zippy Keychain Flashlight
Armytek, Canadian manufacturer of high quality flashlights for extreme tasks, have developed a small and light keyring lamp for your pocket. Unlike Armytek’s extreme outdoor flashlights Tiara or Wizard, the Zippy is truly an everyday item. Zippy sounds like Zippo, the legendary reusable lighter, and that’s most likely no coincidence because, like the Zippo lighter, the Zippy lamp is small, compact and absolutely reliable.
The Zippy is 9 mm thin and weighs only 12 g. In stark contrast to many other keyring lights, usually given away as branded merchandise, the Zippy is a proper multifunctional flashlight with 3 light modes, 160 OTF Lumen and 15 m beam distance in the brightest setting. The wide-angle illumination is a great help when you need to orient in the dark or want to find a misplaced item. There is also a low light “firefly” mode to find a keyhole and a brighter ambient light setting for quick repair jobs. It will be more than enough light to change a tire or a fuse, fix starter cables to a car battery and a lot more. The integrated 100 mAh Li-Pol battery lasts 17 min in the brightest mode and 10 h in the darkest. It is recharged via USB.
The Zippy’s housing is water- and dustproof to IP67 standard and protected by stiffening ribs. Its ring attachment is made from metal and firmly integrated into the construction. There’s no breaking it off or tearing it out of the housing. And then there’s another great design feature you’ll appreciate if you hate disposable gadgets as much as we do: The transparent plastic housing is neither glued nor permanently pegged. It can easily be opened by four screws in case it is damaged or something needs to be fixed on the inside. The likelihood of failures, however, can be gauged by the fact that the Zippy comes with a 5-year no-hassle warranty.
Armytek is a Canadian brand for high qualtity multi-flashlights for extreme performance in job and hobby. As the brand name suggests, the products are designed to correspond to military standards regarding functionality and quality.Brightness up to 160 OTF Lm.Beam distance up to 15 m.Built-in Li-Pol 100 mAh battery.5 years no-hassle warranty.
Specificationavailable in blue, yellow, green and gray
Light & OpticsLED light output: 200 lmOTF light output: 160 lmBeam distance: 15 mStabilization of brightness : FULL (constant brightness)Hotspot: 60°Spill: 110°
Dimensions & WeightLength: 59 mmWeight : 12 g
Body & DurabilityBody material : PlasticWaterproof & Submersible: 1 mWaterproof and dustproof standard : IP67Operation temperature : -10...+40 °CImpact Resistance: 2 m
Modes & ElectronicsPower source: Li-Pol 100 mAhNumber of modes: 3Runtime for maximal mode: 17 minRuntime for minimal mode: 10 hAbility to use batteries with a flat contact:Protection from accidental switch-on: yes
The amount of praise and positive feedback we’ve received really knocked our socks off! We are talking about our light summer socks, of course. Designing new socks is a bit like re-inventing the wheel but it seems our textile studio has really hit the spot and developed the formula for a supersock: Merino wool, performance-synthetics and first-class craftsmanship. And since our short Nakasox are flying off the shelves, we’re immediately following them with higher crew socks.
Off-roaders, outdoor types and people who still do an honest day’s work prefer boots. They appreciate the stability around the ankle and the protection when romping around in the field. But that comes with a price because wearing a boot requires a crew sock. If you don’t want to experience subsequent hot flashes and puddles of sweat when wearing boots in the summer, we recommend our lightweight, high shaft Merino crew socks for comfort and good stability.
Merino is the perfect base layer for our socks because the supersheep’s fleece is nature’s air conditioning. It warms in the cold but also cools in hot weather and that’s due to the micro structure of the ultra-fine curly fibers in the fleece. They absorb high amounts of moisture and release it quickly back into the air. Effective condensation thus cools your skin and leaves you with a pleasant feeling when wearing the socks. The experience of comfort and wellbeing is still increased by the fact that Merino wool doesn’t itch and that it smells less (and later) than other materials due to the fiber’s antibacterial properties.
Specially selected high-performance synthetics turn the Nakatanenga sock into a proper athlete, because polypropylene, elastane und polyamide components in the fabric ensure that the natural wool doesn’t get too strained by rubbing, chafing and stretching, especially in the summer when there is high demand from activities like working or hiking. The synthetics reduce wear and tear and keep the socks elastic and in shape.
With thin summer socks, the areas around the toes and the heel are especially vulnerable for chafing or rubbing through due to higher mechanical stress created by your foot’s motion in the shoe. That’s why we have strengthened these zones with a soft plush fabric.
So, off with your old socks and get some Nakasox!
Material: 60% Merino, 25% Polypropylen, 10% Elastan, 5% Polyamid
For hygienic reasons, this item is generally excluded from return.
Treat bag - practical and clean
At Nakatanenga we love our four-legged friends, be they 4x4s, bears or dogs. The latter like nothing better than a treat now and then, obviously, especially when you’re out and about together. You can carry your dog treats in a small plastic bag or Tupperware box, of course, or you can put them in your jacket pockets. But that’s all quite awkward and pretty unappealing when you carry personal things with you as well.
If you’re looking for an extremely neat and tidy solution, go no further than our practical dog snack pouches in 5 snazzy Uni or Camo colors. Like all our Nakatanenga products from our own tailor shop, the pouches have been designed and developed by people who actually use these things themselves. As dog lovers with a lot of weekly mileage this is the pouch we always wanted to bring when walking the dog. They’re flatter, lighter, handier and easier to clean than anything else out there. So, we simply made the perfect pouch ourselves.
A sturdy loop attaches the dog treat pouches firmly to your belt and sewn-in metal bands securely close the top. Just push the edges together and the pouch opens easily and quickly whenever your dog deserves a treat. The small size and flat shape mean that the pouch is never in the way when you romp around with Doberman, Dalmatian or dachshund. And last but not least, the sturdy synthetic material is robust and easy to clean.
Available in Uni-colors Black, Coyote, Gray-Coyote and the camouflage patters Multi Terrain and M90 Swedish camouflage.
Our popular DABUCKET multi-purpose synthetic fabric bins for off-road, camping and outdoor activities have a new family member. The 5 L DABUCKET TRASH is specifically designed as a garbage container for your car.
The idea behind our DABUCKETS is quite simple. The flexible bins are made from 100% Nylon / Polyamide with PU coating which creates a tough and watertight second layer to hold standard size bin liners or garbage bags. The small DABUCKET TRASH takes any standard household 5 L bag, making it the perfect container for all the trash and junk that keeps piling up in your car.
The DABUCKET TRASH’s sewn-in Velcro patch will stick to any fleece or regular car carpet, holding the bin firmly in place. You can also fix it to a Keder rail using the attached fastener piece. The small DABUCKET has a 13 cm drawstring sleeve on top. Once pulled shut with the draw cord nothing can fall out and odors are kept inside. You can carry or hang the DABUCKET TRASH by a small loop on the upper rim.
This is especially handy because the great outdoors are full of four-legged creatures who will seek out your 4x4 if there is a whiff of food around. Closer to civilization you might encounter fox, rat or racoon and if you’re camped in some of the wilder regions of the planet you might add bear to the list. In these situations, it is advisable to hang anything that smells strongly of food in a tree away from the camp. The DABUCKET Trash comes fully equipped for that purpose.
100 % Nylon /Polyamide with PU-coating guarantees robustness, easy cleaning and no exposure to harmful plastic softeners. Excessive dirt can be removed by machine washing the bin at 30 degree centigrade.
Dimensions 5 L:Height 20 cm (without drawstring sleeve)Diameter: 17 cm
Available in these colors:
Gray-coyoteOrange-coyoteBlackmulti terrain pattern - orangeswedish camouflage pattern m90
This article was designed, produced and tested by our inhouse textile shop. A dedicated team and quick decision making facilitate continuous quality control and improvement of our textile products. And since we have our own textile shop on the premises, it is no problem to discuss custom designs, changes and improvements with you on short notice. If it’s possible, we will do it. Just call or send in an e-mail.
Nakatanenga Merino Summer Socks low
Merino wool is most commonly associated with functional underwear for winter sports, because its insulating properties are legendary. But Merino is also the perfect material for our light sneaker socks for the summer. The super sheep’s miracle fleece provides everything that a good air conditioning system does: it regulates temperature and gets rid of excess moisture.
Merino not only warms but also cools in hot weather and that’s due to the micro structure of the ultra-fine curly fibers in the fleece. They absorb high amounts of moisture and release it quickly back to the air. Effective condensation thus cools your skin and leaves you with a pleasant feeling when wearing the socks. The experience of comfort and wellbeing is still increased by the fact that Merino wool doesn’t itch and that it smells less (and later) than other materials due to the fiber’s antibacterial properties.
Specially selected high-performance synthetics turn the Nakatanenga sneaker sock into a proper athlete, because polypropylene, elastane und polyamide components in the fabric ensure that the natural wool doesn’t get too strained by rubbing, chafing and stretching, especially in the summer when there is high demand from activities like running or hiking. The synthetics reduce wear and tear and keep the socks elastic and in shape.
With thin summer socks, the areas around the toes and the heel are especially vulnerable for chafing or rubbing through due to higher mechanical stress by your foot’s motion in the shoe. That’s why we have strengthened these zones with a soft plush fabric.
If you like our three-season socks, you will love our sneaker socks for the summer.
Material: 60% merino, 25% polypropylene, 10% elastane, 5% polyamide
For hygienic reasons, this item is generally excluded from return.
Re-usable Face Masks with Changeable Filters Made in Germany
In the West, we can take a lot of inspiration from the East when it comes to preventing the spread of infections for oneself and others. In Asia, face masks are an integral part of everyday life. Often still frowned upon in our culture, the experience during the lockdown has made us more pragmatic, not the least due to recommendations by the Robert-Koch-Institute or various international medical associations.
According to many experts, even simple home-made masks without FFP2/3 certification can significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected and, more importantly, to spread infections to others.The Nakatanenga face mask is extremely robust, reusable, made of mesh on the outside and a replaceable 3-layer filter layer on the inside. The mesh material of the mask wearer is normally used in rucksacks and many of our bags, so it is extremely resistant, but on its own without any protective effect. The fleece for the filter inserts comes from industry, but is free of chemical pollutants and does not put additional strain on the organism.
The inner lining is made from original Coolmax®, usually applied in sports and outdoor clothes. Coolmax® is skin-friendly, fast drying and wicks away moisture. The anatomic fit and an adaptable rubber cord with a stopper make this mask very comfortable to wear, thereby increasing the protective effect.The mix of high-quality materials and the design based on expert recommendations lets us offer a long lived and robust mask for repeated use, made in EU. To ensure optimum efficiency, the mask should be worn for the maximum duration of one day.
After that it should ideally be machine washed with regular detergent. Wash as often as possible. General opinion among medical professionals considers 60°C as sufficient, but you can also wash it at 90°C. Swap the changeable filters during the course of the day. CAUTION: do not use fabric softeners, as they can destroy the fleece’s filtering capacity. Do not tumble dry.
We explicitly state that our face masks are NOT medical masks with certified protection against COVID19 and other pathogens. But since there is still a shortage of medical protection equipment and the proper personal protective equipment is best employed in hospitals and by first responders, we want to help wherever we can. That’s why we are producing our masks based on recommendations by scientists and the medical authorities, advising that fabric masks can reduce the risk of airborne infection. This is primarily aimed at the risk to transmit infections to others.
Our Nakatanenga masks are available in sizes M and L. M generally fits women and smaller persons, L is for men. You can order the masks in the colors Coyote or Black. The lining can vary because we are using materials that are currently available or in stock. The red mask’s lining is turquois.
Material mask: polyester / Coolmax ®Material filter: polypropylene / polyester
Delivery includes the outer mask and one filter. Changeable filters can be ordered separately in sets of 3 or 5.
Please stay healthy!
PLEASE NOTE:Due to hygienic reasons, this product can’t be exchanged or returned.
These zipper pullers are versatile, e.g. as a zipper extension for outdoor rucksacks, jackets, sportswear, tents and as a key ring or just to make it easier to open the zipper (eg because of gloves). Due to the large choice of colors, you will find the right zipper helper for every taste or you can label different colored materials. Easy to install!
The goods will be sold in a set of 10. i.e. Quantity 1 = 10 pieces
10 zipper pullers according to color choice (black, army green, gray, khaki, yellow)
As an outfitter for Offroad and Outdoor activities, it is part of our job to think things through from the beginning to the end. And where do comfort and well-being start, if not with your feet? Exaggeration? Definitely not! It is a physiological fact that cold, wet or snowy conditions affect your hands and feet first. Once your feet are wet and unable to dry, unhealthy or even dangerous effects pile up: loss of body heat, skin and tissue damage can ensue. That's why you quickly catch a cold from having wet feet, even when the rest of your body stays dry. In extreme cold, that's why your toes will freeze first. In great heat on the other hand, it is cooling from condensation you're looking for. Again, breathability is key.
And that's why we are now offering our own high performance Nakatanenga 63 % Merino-wool socks, with an intelligent blend of synthetic fiber. These mid-length socks in gray-coyote sport ergonomic padding and are meant for everyday activities. Whether outdoors or on the job, they are perfect inside hiking or work boots. Merino is a very light natural high performance fiber made by Mother Nature. It is very comfortable to wear, insulates well and achieves superior ventilation and moisture transport. No wonder Merino has become a benchmark for functional underwear and wicking layers. And since Merino is naturally anti-bacterial you can wear it much longer than other materials without having to worry about body odor.
But nature alone doesn't quite do the trick. That's why we've added an intelligent mix of synthetic fiber to boost Merino's natural capabilities. Elastan makes the fabric more flexible and ensures less wear and tear from heavy use. A combination of synthetics woven into the material improves Merino's ability to wick away moisture even further. Your skin stays dry and sweat can evaporate much faster.
Our Nakatanenga socks, with lots of Merino and intelligent synthetics, are Made in EU!
Material:61% merino11% polyamide20% polypropylene8% elastane
Color: gray-coyote
For hygienic reasons, this item is generally excluded from return.
Versatile lever lock made of stainless steel.This closure is ideally suited e.g. for DIY projects, transport boxes and much more. Due to the quick and easy assembly, this closure is the absolute all-rounder.
The robust lever lock is equipped with lock and matching key.
Available in a set of 2, 5 or 10 pieces
Basic information:
stainless steel
Versatile butterfly closure made of stainless steel.
It is a sturdy lock with a snap and turn mechanism.This rotary closure is ideally suited for e.g. for DIY projects, transport boxes and much more. The hinged wing is flat and easy to operate. Due to the special construction, the boxes are well protected against accidental opening.
Available in a set of 2, 5 or 10 pieces
Basic information:
not spring loaded
stainless steel
without shell
These carabiners are, because of their large opening, universally applicable in your day to day life. You could , for example use this to attatch tentlines, dog leashes or your keychain.
Not suitable for (rock-/) climbing!
Material: 7075 Aluminium Carabiner 12KNWeight: 18 gTensile Strength: 1.200 kgSize: 80 mm x 48 mm x 8 mmOpening: 27 mm
With these fashionable pull-on aids for the zipper you always have everything in the best grip! The Paracord 550 material (nylon core-sheath rope) is known for its high-quality workmanship, which allows a long-lasting use. Our wide variety of colors makes it possible to find the right zipper helper for every taste.
5 zipper helpers depending on color choice (black, brown, lime green, olive green, orange, pink or turquoise blue)
The Mechanix Wear® FastFit® glove
is quick and practical to put on. It is also particularly comfortable and pleasant to wear. With the new, wider cuff and the light elastic band, extra comfortable grip is ensured.
Breathable due to: Clarino® MWX-2 synthetic leather & Lycra®.Machine washable up to 30°CEN388/03:2121 | EN420/03 dexterity level: 5 available sizes: S - LFind the right size: